Joana da Lua, Portugal
Joana illustrated the CHELLIS story "Protection of the Ocean"
Let’s start with a short introduction: Please tell us something about yourself (a very short biography)
I'm Joana (better known as Joana da Lua), I'm 25 years old, I have a degree in fine arts. I'm a tattoo artist and illustrator. I'm still in a project with 3rd cycle children in environmental activities at Santa Cruz/Torres Vedras beach.
What is your main inspiration in your artwork?
Both in terms of tattoos and digital illustrations, my main base is the union between the human figure and nature.
How would you describe your art style and the techniques you use?
My style is very illustrative but with some realistic notes, I like to mix the two worlds.
Have you already illustrated any stories before the CHELLIS project? What do you personally enjoy/like the most about this kind of work?
Yes, I've illustrated a story, what I enjoy most about illustrating stories/excerpts is creating the right image so that the reader can imagine himself inside it.
How long did it take you to work on the illustrations for CHELLIS project stories?
In this work, several changes were necessary and it was a joint work, it took about 2 months.
Where can people see examples of your work?
Instagram: and @lapis_semafia
Artwork Examples